New products
Seeds of Sarracenia x excellents x minor x leucophyllaMore than 10 seeds of S arracenia x stevensii produced in our greenhouses to germinate in good conditions of heat and light at the beginning of the...€9.50 Priceseeds-sowing-kit
Sarracenia x excellens x rubra seedsMore than 10 seeds of S arracenia x stevensii produced in our greenhouses to germinate in good conditions of heat and light at the beginning of the...€9.50 Price
Seeds of Sarracenia x mitchelliana x (purpurea x oreophila)More than 10 seeds of S arracenia x stevensii produced in our greenhouses to germinate in good conditions of heat and light at the beginning of the...€9.50 Priceseeds-sowing-kit
Seeds of Drosera spatulata sp.Seeds of Drosera spatulata sp. to germinate in good conditions of heat and light at the beginning of the year.€6.00 Price

Carnivorous plants
A short intro to the fascinating world of carnivorous plants:
Carnivorous plant?! A short history of carnivory
It's all in the title:
Useful tips for growing a carnivorous plant at home
Carnivorous plant Dionea
Dionaea muscipula is undoubtedly the most spectacular carnivorous plant. With its jaws that close in a few thousandths of a second, it has an advantage that the others do not have!
Carnivorous plant Drosera
Tropical, hardy, temperate Droseras for sale on
Sundews are not the least of the carnivores, their sticky, semi-active, slowly folding traps on their prey make them one of the most photogenic carnivorous plant genera.
Generally easy to grow.
Carnivorous plant Pinguicula
Carnivorous plants of the Pinguicula genus for sale on
Pinguicula are so-called passive carnivorous plants, as opposed to sensitive carnivorous plants "which initiate movements", such as the Venus flytrap, the Venus flytrap. However, insects that stick to them will not get away.
Carnivorous plant Sarracenia
Carnivorous plant of the genus Sarracenia for sale on
Passive carnivorous plants with pitchers, generally erect and large. Easy to grow, identical for all, outdoors or in an unheated veranda/greenhouse. A carnivorous plant against Asian hornets , Sarracenia is acclaimed for its effectiveness.
Darlintonia californica
Carnivorous plant Darlingtonia californica Carnivorous plant of the genus Darlingtonia for sale on
Passive carnivorous plants this rare plant is sought after for the incredible shape of its trap urns. Complex, everything is done to maximize the chances of attracting and capturing insects.
Please note, our stock of this extraordinary plant is limited!
Carnivorous plant Cephalotus follicularis Carnivorous plant of the genus Cephalotus for sale on
Passive carnivorous plants, the rare Cephalotus follicularis which only grows in a very restricted area of Australia, is also particularly aesthetic.
Please note, our stock of this extraordinary plant is limited!
Seeds & sowing kit
Trying your hand at sowing means discovering a little more about the fascinating world of carnivorous plants and the work it requires to provide you with quality plants. Here we offer you carnivorous plant seeds, sowing kits and suitable equipment.
Heliamphora are pitcher-shaped carnivorous plants of the same family as Sarracenia . The genus is however rarer because of a much more restricted distribution, since they are found only on the high plateaus of Guyana and Venezuela (tepuys), as well as in the far north of Brazil, most often far from human activity.