Maintenance of Tillandsia cacticola
To make Tillandsia more beautiful and healthy, it is recommended to remove completely dry or damaged leaves and remove the inflorescences.
Easy to grow in a bright location.
Tillandsia and Temperature
Place it indoors or outdoors in summer when the weather is nice.
Temperatures ranging from 10°C to 30°C on average .
Tillandsia and watering
Water with rainwater or demineralized water . You can either soak the Tillandsia for a few seconds in water or spray it on the foliage .
In winter, watering every two days is sufficient. In summer, and generally when the air is hot and dry, spraying should be done 1 to 2 times a day.
Plants must dry between two waterings .
Fertilizer for Tillandsia
In spring and summer, it is beneficial to spray the Tillandsia with orchid fertilizer diluted to a quarter , twice a month . Tillandsia, in our latitudes, do not find the nutrients that are suitable for their growth in good conditions, hence the need to give them a little helping hand.
Tillandsia Exhibition
Avoid direct sunlight in summer, especially during hot hours.
In winter, find a bright place.