Dehydrated sphagnum moss - 3 liters
3 liter bag
Sphagnum moss is a natural acidic moss.
In cultivation, its advantages are multiple. As a substrate, sphagnum offers a virtually rot-proof , airy and fresh environment, which conserves water surprisingly well, which avoids wasting it and allows them to be spaced out. The icing on the cake is that its acidity and antiseptic properties reduce the risk of disease .
Dehydrated sphagnum moss is a suitable substrate for virtually all carnivorous and acid-loving plants , epiphytic plants, and those that require loose soil such as tropical Nepenthes and Utricularia .
Approximately 150 grams - 7.5 liters when rehydrated
Chilean sphagnum moss is finer than Vosges sphagnum moss. Vosges sphagnum moss, dehydrated by us from downgraded living sphagnum moss, has traveled less distance to reach you... Unlike Madagascar sphagnum moss , Chilean sphagnum moss has longer stems and turns to dust much less.
Shipments on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Delivery in 48 hours

PayPal, Bank card, SystemPay Savings Bank, Check, Bank transfer

22 years of experience in packaging our plants. 100% recycled or reused.