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Young cuttings of Drosera Filiformis

All our plants grow thanks to the winning trio: sun, water and care when necessary . In short, we leave its rhythm to Nature. The plants are not forced and all follow the cycle of the seasons. A specific fertilizer is given to carnivorous plants (too few insects in the greenhouses to satisfy them all!) and epiphytes (tillandsias, neoregelias).

Ultimately , by respecting cycles and lifestyles , our plants have the robustness and beauty of plants that have grown in their natural habitat.

Never forget that a carnivorous plant belongs first and foremost to the plant kingdom and that their main needs are the same as for other plants (water, sun, substrate) . Insects provide them with supplements that they do not find in their substrate in their natural state , such as nitrogen, calcium, phosphate and potassium.

The result of over 20 years of field experience, you can find all our growing advice for carnivorous plants on our dedicated page.