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Helpful Tips for Growing Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous plants are no more difficult to grow at home than other plants. Growing conditions vary between different varieties, but by following the few tips we are going to give you, you will succeed in growing your carnivorous plants in harmony with other plants, and without any more constraints.

Have you just received your carnivorous plant, have you just ordered it, or are you about to do so? Read these few instructions.

  • Check carefully whether it is advisable to grow the plants you are interested in indoors or outdoors (depending on the recommended temperatures).
  • Plan to use exclusively rainwater, demineralized or reverse osmosis. Water that is too hard will cause a carnivorous plant to die in a few weeks. Do not use bottled water: it generally contains too many mineral salts, and the roots of carnivorous plants are not made to absorb them.
  • Only repot your plants with the substrate (growing soil) recommended in the growing advice associated with each species.

Do not repot your carnivorous plant in horticultural soil under any circumstances!

  • Do not spray your carnivorous plants, except Nepenthes .
  • Do not fertilize your carnivorous plants, except Nepenthes and Heliamphora , in the absence of insects.

Upon receipt of your plants, you will receive documentation in your package to help you successfully acclimatize your new carnivorous plant at home.

Your carnivorous plants have arrived, what should you do?

Please read carefully!

The plants you received have undergone stress due to travel. Despite all the care taken during their packaging, the aerial parts of a plant may be damaged by transport, but this does not in any way affect its recovery. Follow the advice below carefully, and in a few days to a few weeks, your new plants will be perfectly acclimatized to your environment!

Tillandsia and plants received in their original pot can be grown under the conditions described in their specific sheets on .

Plants received bare root should be potted as follows:

Be sure to handle the plants carefully. Clear them of their surroundings and prepare to transplant them. To do this, prepare the mixture described in the growing tips corresponding to the species you have purchased from us. Moisten the mixture completely with lime-free water (rainwater, demineralized or reverse osmosis) and fill the pot. Make a hole in the center of the pot and carefully place its roots in it. Close the hole around the plant.

After repotting, place your plants in a bright place , sheltered from wind (drying out) and direct sunlight, to avoid any sudden shock. After a week of acclimatization, you can put them in the optimal growing conditions described on our site.

It will take them a few weeks to properly re-establish their root system.

Happy growing!

The Karnivores Team