Specialised nursery for 20 years
We are a horticultural company set up in July 2002, specialising in the production of carnivorous plants, Tillandsia and many exotic plants at our nursery in the heart of Alsace.
From carnivorous plants to tropical terrarium plants...... And many more!
Drosera, Dionaea, Pinguicula, Heliamphora or Sarracenia, of course, but our love of plants extends to all those that are out of the ordinary and the environments in which they grow! Tillandsia, Ficus, Neoregelia, Hoya and Begonia also feed our passion for indoor and terrarium plants.
Through our website Karnivores.com and our blog plante-carnivore.fr, we aim to give everyone the opportunity to own and care for quality plants, with as many growing tips as possible. To do this, we also offer all the right equipment, such as xaxim, live sphagnum peat moss and all the substrates essential for good plant growth, as well as our own carnivorous plant seeds.